Our Mission
“ The end then of learning is to repair the ruins of our first parents by regaining to know God aright, and out of that knowledge to love him, to imitate him, to be like him, as we may the nearest by possessing our souls of true virtue, which being united to the heavenly grace of faith makes up the highest perfection. ”
In 1998, our founders saw a need in the homeschooling community. Although the practice of home education was growing rapidly, there was no place where middle and high school students could take classes that their parents might not have the equipment or confidence to teach at home, like Chemistry, Biology, Precalculus, and French.
Between them, the founders had degrees in Chemical Engineering, Medical Technology, and Mechanical Engineering, as well as a keen interest in other areas of science, technology, and the humanities. They realized that they could meet the need of the homeschooling community in Greenville and the surrounding area. And so Milton Academy, originally the Home School Resource Center, was born.
Over the years, we found that the name “Home School Resource Center” often conveyed the idea of a bookstore that carries curriculum and other media for homeschooling families. To more accurately communicate our identity, we adopted our current name.
John Milton (1608-74) was an English poet, philosopher, and civil servant during a tumultuous time in English history. While he is most famous for his allegorical poem, Paradise Lost, in his day he wrote prolifically on many topics. One of those topics was education. In his Tractate on Education he writes one of the most powerful ‘definitions’ of learning that has ever been written.
While Milton’s overall theology had significant problems, his devotion to God, and his understanding of the human condition enabled him to recognize how the Fall severely damaged man’s ability to know his world correctly. History has confirmed Milton’s conclusion: that man’s perversion of knowledge is directly proportional to his estrangement from God. Milton’s wisdom was to recognize that the reverse is also true: the closer a man comes to God in Christ, the more he may recover the knowledge of God’s world which was lost by our first parents, Adam and Eve. At Milton Academy, our mission is to assist parents in restoring what was lost in learning when man left Paradise.
Our Philosophy
We believe that the primary responsibility for the education of children rests with their parents (Deut. 6:4-7; 11:19; Prov. 1:1-7). This belief is shared by many who currently have their children enrolled in public or private schools, But some of these parents do not homeschool their children because they do not feel able to teach advanced courses, such as Chemistry, Algebra, and foreign languages. By pooling teachers trained in these areas, Milton Academy provides assistance to such families so they can pursue the educational option they deem best for their children.
Milton Academy provides excellent instruction that is consistent with the clearly articulated view of evangelical Christianity. In lieu of a separate Doctrinal Statement, we have provided some evangelical confessions held by Milton Academy’s administration and teachers to accurately present the doctrine we believe the Bible teaches.
These documents are:
The London Confession of Faith (1689) a.k.a. the Philadelphia Confession
The Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms (1644)
The Belgic Confession and Heidelberg Catechism
Milton Academy is not a formal school. The students attending classes at Milton are registered homeschoolers, and the primary teaching responsibility remains with the parent. Parents will have the flexibility of choosing the courses best suited to their child’s personal academic needs and development. Courses offered by Milton Academy are not divided by grade, but by academic proficiency. Some courses will use the ‘one-room schoolhouse’ model, where students of different grade levels will take the same course.