Lego Robotics
Mark Freitag
Explore the world of robotics with the Lego Education System. Students will build and program robots to perform various tasks. Students will also learn how sound and light sensors help a robot operate. This class is geared toward middle school students
No text book – handouts provided in class Lab fee: $25.00
Mark Freitag
Using the Arduino board as a base, students will build a variety of projects. From simple circuitry to robotics, the board is a great jumping off point to explore the world of technology. This course will cover basic programing, how to work with electronics components and the basics of Ohms Law.
Textbook: in-class handouts Lab Fee: $25.00
Speech & Debate
Chuck Hartman
Strong communication skills are an invaluable asset to any one, regardless of life setting. To be able to present your project to your supervisors in a convincing manner, or to ably defend your faith–there are countless opportunities in life to "think well on your feet." This skill, however, is not one that is possessed by most people in our society. One of the reasons for this lack of ability to communicate well orally, and to reason logically, is the absence from modern curricula of such courses as speech and debate. This course examines various forms of forensic exercise and debate debate, prose and poetry recitation, extemporaneous speaking, and oral composition. Dr. Hartman participated in competitive speech and debate in high school, and has taken several courses on speech and homiletics in seminary (as well as having preached for three decades).