
World History

Chuck Hartman

The student will read world views and Biblical accounts focusing on original manuscripts from the time periods studied.  They will be encouraged to develop analytical skills by comparing and contrasting views.

No text – material is provided as hand-outs in class or is researched

American History (honors option)

Chuck Hartman

A review of US History from colonial 17th century through the present, with a focus on reading original sources and biographical studies of important figures of the period.  Students will be required to write papers (3-5 pages in length) from their reading assignments.  The significance of American Christianity upon the development of the country will be investigated. Note: This class is intended for sophomores, juniors, and seniors only.

Textbook:  series by Clarence Carson; class handouts

This course will focus on the geography of various regions of the world.  It will cover North and South America, Europe, Africa and Asia.  The student will learn physical features as well as people groups and cultures.  Students will research and assemble regional reports as a major portion of their progress assessment. 

 No text – material is provided as hand-outs in class or is researched


Chuck Hartman

Government & Economics

Chuck Hartman

This course begins by looking at the various forms of government, including the process that led to the writing of the U.S. Constitution.  It will then cover U.S. Government in greater detail.  The students will be encouraged to develop analytical skills by comparing and contrasting views. This second semester will cover the basics of economics.  Topics include the origin and history of money, the business cycle, inflation, recessions and depressions.  The students will do several projects including tracking prices over a period of time, investing in stocks and seeing how their investments grow and designing their own business.

Textbook: Carsons Basic Government; Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? by Richard Maybery