Math 6
Mark Freitag
This course develops solid problem-solving skills in preparation for algebra, teaches methods of estimation, and familiarizes students with the use calculators to solve math problems. This course is essentially a sixth grade math and is appropriate for advanced 5th graders as well as 6th graders. Class time will consist primarily of lecture, example problems, and question and answer time.
Textbook: Math 6 (BJU Press)
Fundamentals of Math
This class is essentially a seventh grade math and is appropriate for advanced 6th graders as well as 7th graders. The course will essentially follow the textbook. Homework assigments will be assigned requiring an additional 3 to 4 hours at home between classes. Class time will consist primarily of lecture, example problems, and question and answer time.
Textbook: Fundamentals of Math (BJU Press)
Mark Freitag
The course syllabus will essentially follow the textbook. Homework assigments will be assigned requiring an additional 3 to 4 hours at home between classes. Class time will consist primarily of lecture, example problems, and question and answer time.
Textbook: Bob Jones Pre-Algebra
Algebra 1 (honors option)
Mark Freitag
The course syllabus will essentially follow the textbook. Homework assignments will be assigned requiring an additional 3 to 5 hours at home between classes. Class time will consist primarily of lecture, example problems, and question and answer time.
Textbook: Algebra 1 BJU Press
The course syllabus will essentially follow the textbook. Homework assignments will be assigned requiring an additional 3 to 5 hours at home between classes. Class time will consist primarily of lecture, example problems, and question and answer time.
Textbook: Algebra 2 BJU Press (We recommend that students take Algebra 2 before Geometry.)
Algebra 2 (honors option)
Mark Freitag
Geometry (honors option)
Mark Freitag
The course syllabus will essentially follow the Jacobs Geometry book. An emphasis will be placed on understanding mathematical concepts pertaining to the application of Algebra to Geometry, and to the preparation of the student for higher math courses such as Trigonometry and Calculus. This class also does a great deal of work with proofs and covers the concepts of basic logic.
Textbook: Jacobs Geometry 3rd edition
Pre-Calculus (honors option)
Mark Freitag
This class will be available in a tutoring format and will consist of one-to-one or small group time. A suitable time will be worked out to meet the schedule of student and instructor.The course syllabus will essentially follow the Bob Jones Precalculus textbook. Homework assignments will be assigned requiring an additional 4 to 6 hours at home between classes. Class time will consist primarily of lecture, example problems, and question and answer time.
Textbook: Bob Jones Precalculus
This course will cover the scientific method, microorganisms, the animal and plant kingdoms and the human body. Taught at a lower level than high school biology, this course will serve as a good introduction to observing and studying living creatures designed for middle school students.
Textbook: Abeka Science: Order and Design
Lab Fee: $20.00
Science: Order and Design
Martha Freitag
This course will cover atmosphere, weather, oceanography and geology. In addition, research papers will be assigned to bring the students an acquaintance with the pioneers in the fields under study.
Textbook: A Beka Science: Earth and Space
Lab Fee: $40.00
Middle School Earth Science
Angela Hartman
This course will cover such concepts as genetics, botany and zoology. In-class laboratory work will be utilized to reinforce concepts. Homework will include observation reports, an insect collection and a research paper on creation vs. evolution. It is important for the lab to run concurrently with the class. In order to provide the lab time necessary, this class will meet three hours per week.
Textbook: BJU Press Biology
Lab Fee: $40.00
Biology (honors option)
Martha Freitag
Chemistry (honors option)
Chuck Hartman
This course will cover stoichiometry, thermochemistry, thermodynamics, kinetics, redox reactions, solutions, atomic structure, gas laws, and equilibrium. Heavy book work with manipulation of chemical reactions.
Textbook: Chemistry Addison Wesley4th edition
Prerequisite: Algebra I
Lab Fee: $40.00
Add blurb
Middle School Literature
Angela Hartman
“Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.” -Francis Bacon
In this course, our goal is twofold: to become better thinkers and better writers. We will work through each step of the writing process and learn how to craft a persuasive argument. We will discuss logical fallacies and With in-class peer review, students will have the opportunity to give and receive constructive feedback and become comfortable with sharing and presenting their own work. We will also read models of superb writing and discuss their strategies, genres, and styles.
Textbook: The Lively Art of Writing; Vocabulary in Classical Roots
Essentials of Writing
Angela Hartman
Needs blurb
Spanish 1
The student will read world views and Biblical accounts focusing on original manuscripts from the time periods studied. They will be encouraged to develop analytical skills by comparing and contrasting views.
No text – material is provided as hand-outs in class or is researched
World History
Chuck Hartman
A review of US History from colonial 17th century through the present, with a focus on reading original sources and biographical studies of important figures of the period. Students will be required to write papers (3-5 pages in length) from their reading assignments. The significance of American Christianity upon the development of the country will be investigated. Note: This class is intended for sophomores, juniors, and seniors only.
Textbook: series by Clarence Carson; class handouts
American History (honors option)
Chuck Hartman
This course will focus on the geography of various regions of the world. It will cover North and South America, Europe, Africa and Asia. The student will learn physical features as well as people groups and cultures. Students will research and assemble regional reports as a major portion of their progress assessment.
No text – material is provided as hand-outs in class or is researched
Chuck Hartman
This dual course will begin with a study of various forms of government, including the process that led to the writing of the U.S. Constitution. It will then cover U.S. Government in greater detail. The students will be encouraged to develop analytical skills by comparing and contrasting views. This second semester will cover the basics of economics. Topics include the origin and history of money, the business cycle, inflation, recessions and depressions. The students will do several projects including tracking prices over a period of time, investing in stocks and seeing how their investments grow and designing their own business.
Textbook: Carsons Basic Government; Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? by Richard Maybery
Government & Economics
Chuck Hartman
Explore the world of robotics with the Lego Education System. Students will build and program robots to perform various tasks. Students will also learn how sound and light sensors help a robot operate. This class is geared toward middle school students
No text book – handouts provided in class
Lab fee: $25.00
Lego Robotics
Mark Freitag
Using the Arduino board as a base, students will build a variety of projects. From simple circuitry to robotics, the board is a great jumping off point to explore the world of technology. This course will cover basic programing, how to work with electronics components and the basics of Ohms Law.
Textbook: in-class handouts Lab Fee: $25.00
Mark Freitag
Strong communication skills are an invaluable asset to any one, regardless of life setting. To be able to present your project to your supervisors in a convincing manner, or to ably defend your faith–there are countless opportunities in life to "think well on your feet." This skill, however, is not one that is possessed by most people in our society. One of the reasons for this lack of ability to communicate well orally, and to reason logically, is the absence from modern curricula of such courses as speech and debate. This course examines various forms of forensic exercise and debate debate, prose and poetry recitation, extemporaneous speaking, and oral composition. Dr. Hartman participated in competitive speech and debate in high school, and has taken several courses on speech and homiletics in seminary (as well as having preached for three decades).