Courses Offered 2019-20

Unless otherwise noted, all our classes are 2 semesters in length. Many include the option for honors. Some classes–math and science courses particularly–have prerequisites. Others will require an entrance examination. Textbooks are provided.

Note: If a class does not meet the 3 student minimum, it will be available at the discretion of the instructor on a tutoring basis only.



Our math courses begin in sixth grade and advance to Pre-Calculus. It’s best to start early in order to build a good foundation for the upper classes. 

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There is an exciting array of science courses to choose from–from Life Science for younger students to Biology, Chemistry, and Physics for upper-class students. 

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Our language courses include both middle and high school literature courses as well as writing classes. We also have courses in French, Spanish, and–for the first time–Latin! 

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Social Studies

Our courses in social studies cover a broad spectrum, including World and U. S. History, Geography, and a joint Government & Economics course.



We offer a diverse array of electives to cultivate every interest—from Lego Robotics to Philosophy to Speech & Debate to Art Appreciation.